Chairman's Message - ' A Vision '
In early days, Education in India was highly subsidized, but no more now. It is slowly drifting towards western culture where education is not subsidized and students have to fend for themselves since the parents have difficulty to support their children education financially. It is with this understanding that the Institute proposes to undertake pre-emptive action through a philosophy "earn while you learn" by assigning small projects during their free time. This tradition has been a huge success in USA and we see no reason why it cannot be a success here. Hence the trustees of Raj Narayan Memorial Trust would like to reiterate their vision, mission and objective:
Trust would like to reiterate their vision, mission and objective:
- Financial burden on students may be minimized.
- They may well enrich themselves with Industrial and vocational experience.
- Their confidence level and personality may see a sea of change.
Towards achieving these objectives the trustees propose to utilize their company resources to train the talented students in the first six months on live software projects that the company may be performing. After that they may be put into the development projects. The revenue so generated through their efforts will be utilized to distribute among them to meet their need of tuition fees, hostel charges, mess bills, etc. As this may be a trial scheme, the success of it will depend on its outcome
Notwithstanding what has been stated above, the vision of the institute is to provide "World class Education at much lower Cost". The students passing out will be equipped with a solid technical knowledge and personality that will make them stand out and enable them to be a successful technocrats, managers and entrepreneurs. The expert and dedicated faculty members and technical staff, state of the art infrastructure and the last but not the least 'Vision' of the Trustees and Management, together I am sure, are going to achieve much more in our mission "providing best education at reasonable cost.
I wish all the success in students endeavor and hope their stay at MITM for four years will be rewarding and satisfying. At the end let me reassure our wards / family members that all cares will be taken to make their stay with us pleasurable and happy.
Manoj Choudhary